
选择“库亚马卡学院”这个名字是为了树立一个典范 the “community” in community college. Decades later, the commitment to this vision 比以往任何时候都强大. 立博 actively promotes equity and social justice 通过采用建立在我们多元社会文化优势之上的教育策略 学生人数. We are committed to establishing a pathway to social and economic 通过我们全面的课程、证书、学位、转学来实现流动性 opportunities, and career prospects.  


The History of the Campus

立博, alongside its sister campus, Grossmont大学, make up the

格罗斯蒙特-库亚马卡社区学院区:这是一对久负盛名的大学 serving the community for over six decades.  


The name for the college reflects the region’s 历史 and heritage. 根据 Dr. Stan Rodriguez, Kumeyaay Studies coordinator and Santa Ysabel Kumeyaay Elder, “Cuyamaca”这个词来自于库美雅语,意思是“你站着吗? behind the rain clouds?” It is perhaps a reference to the location of the college 在山脚下. Miguel, one of the highest points in 圣地亚哥 County. 圣地亚哥 这里有十八个保留区,比全国任何一个县都多,十二个 reservations are of the Kumeyaay people. The name “Cuyamaca” is a tribute to the land 校园是建立在这个基础上的,承认和纪念那些曾经生活过的人 in the area for thousands of years.


立博校园位于Rancho的东圣地亚哥县社区 圣地亚哥,坐落在埃尔卡洪市外的郊区,占地165英亩 site that was at one time a part of the Old Monte Vista Ranch. 


1972年9月,校董会和学院获得了校园用地 1978年秋季正式开放,有1947名学生和9个副学士学位课程. Its first president was Dr. 华莱士F. 科恩. 


Today, Cuyamaca has just over 8,000 students, and provides around 192 degrees and certificates, including both academic and career pathways.



1979年5月,38名学生组成了库亚马卡学院的第一个毕业班. 80年代初,两个旗舰项目—— Automotive Technology and Ornamental Horticulture – and the naming of Dr. 撒母耳Ciccati as the college’s second president. 博士期间. Ciccati’s tenure, the college established what is today known as “The Grand Lawn.” The lawn was the first green area established on campus and completed in partnership with the California Conservation Corps. 在 教师和工作人员带来了工具,在课间和课间工作 在休息时间清理这片区域,为部队人员挖战壕做准备 irrigation and a company to spray seed.


接下来的几年标志着兰乔圣地亚哥的真正扩张和秋天 1988, Cuyamaca’s enrollment had reached 3,600 students. In the late 1980s, the campus 随着学习资源中心的成立,开始了近二十年的扩张, 一座占地3万平方英尺的玻璃幕墙建筑,建筑风格独特,可容纳 the college library and other educational resources.


此后不久,在20世纪90年代,私人资助的美洲遗产博物馆 opened, as well as a new 20.3-acre physical education facility with a fitness center, gym, tennis and volleyball courts, soccer and ball fields, and an Olympic track. In 1994年,Rancho 圣地亚哥 Parkway作为新的主要入口开放,提供了更好的通道 去校园. 


那一年,博士. Sherrill Amador also began her tenure as college president and she 帮助促进了学院和地区水之间的联合权力协议 学区开设了节水花园,这是所有人都必须参观的地方 home gardening and landscaping enthusiasts. 也在博士名下. Amador’s tenure was the 一站式学生服务中心开业,儿童发展中心揭幕 Center. The whimsical facility serves as both a childcare facility for the campus 和社区,以及库亚马卡儿童发展项目的学生学习实验室 研究项目.


Dr. 杰拉尔丁米. Perri took over the reins as college president in 2002, the same year that East County residents approved 道具. R, a $207 million construction bond 为该地区两所学院的升级和新建筑建设提供资金的措施. 在 a period of rapid enrollment growth, 道具. R transformed the campus into a 高科技学习磁铁,将旧设施带入数字时代,并增加 几座新建筑:科学技术中心(现为科学与数学中心) 大楼)、学生中心、商业和技术大楼,以及一座价值4500万美元的建筑 Communication Arts Center. There, a well-appointed performing arts theater built to 专业的声学标准已成为社会的一项重要资产,作为一项高需求资产 site for community performances, assemblies, and business forums.


2006年,邻近的Kumeyaay社区学院与立博合作 提供Kumeyaay Studies语言课程,最终成长为一所获得认可的学校 Kumeyaay Studies degree program in 2016. The program was the first in the state offering 专注于语言、文化和特定美洲原住民群体历史的学位.

道具. R’s major construction at 立博 drew to a close in 2011 with the LRC的扩展. Other campus highlights during those years included music instructor 帕特·塞策被选为全州四名社区大学教师之一 2010年海沃德卓越教育奖,2011年任命 Dr. Mark J. Zacovic to the post of college president. 


2012年11月,东县选民再次对该学院表示支持 district with the passage of 道具. V, a $398 million bond measure. Also in 2012, Cuyamaca 该学院是该州三所社区学院之一 加州社区学院理事会颁发的能源与可持续发展奖. The college was recognized for its sustainable landscaping initiatives.


2013年,该学院被评为全国“最好的”退伍军人友好学院之一 学校排名.S. 退伍军人杂志. The college was the only community college in San 迭戈县赢得了这一殊荣,并在2014年再次获得了这一殊荣 winner of the coveted award.


2015年10月,Dr. Julianna Barnes, who previously served 立博 as vice president of student services, returned to take the helm as president. 在她的领导下, the college transformed its approach to placement and teaching math, English, and 非母语英语课程. 今天,所有的学生都是根据高中成绩单来学习数学和英语 and GPA, not a placement exam. 立博 was the first community college in California to embrace this approach and support faculty in this effort. 立博 received the prestigious Dr. 约翰W. Rice Diversity and Equity Award as well as national 被公认为加州唯一一所进入决赛的社区学院 2019 Examples of Excelenica by Excelenica in Education.


2019年1月,学院开设了一流的水和废水培训设施 在加州. The program was established in collaboration with the industry and will train the next generation of water professionals.


2020年3月,政府授权制定了Covid-19法规,并在Cuyamaca实施 学院自成立以来第一次将所有的教学和操作都转移到网上 历史. Using innovation and technology, the college continued to support students 通过咨询服务,基本权利支持,包括食物和住房,以及质量 指令.


2022年7月18日. Jessica Robinson MSW was named interim president of Cuyamaca College, after serving as the vice president of student services since 2018. 少 一年后,她将被任命为学院的第七任校长,也是第一位校长 alumna to lead the college.


In 2022, 立博 was named “最适合兽医” by The Military Times and was recognized again for its efforts to support student success in English courses. As 在全校英语招生公平课程安排方面表现优异的冠军; 库亚玛卡学院为每个拉丁裔和黑人学生提供学习和支持的机会 in transfer-level English. 立博 would receive this award again in 2023.


校园的新中心——学生服务大楼(G-Building)正式开放 its doors on February 9, 2023. Funded by 道具 V, the 36,374 square foot building serves 作为通往校园的正门,设有欢迎中心,下车圈,庭院和 housing all student services. The building fundamentally changes the way in which students engage in with the campus.


立博继续以个性化的关注服务于不同的社区 and a commitment to equity, excellence, and social justice. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, 立博始终坚定不移地履行其使命,以满足全面的教育 and workforce training needs of East County.